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  • It remains unknown who will the next Crown Prince be and whether the Kingdom will abandon is long-standing horizontal succession tradition, whereby the Monarchy is handed over from brother to brother and elect a candidate from the younger generation of princes.

    Faisal J. Abbas: Saudi Succession Committee Under the Spotlight as Country Mourns Crown Prince Faisal J. Abbas 2011

  • Even though there can be no justification for the use of violence against unarmed civilians in Bahrain, there is a strong case for supporting the process of negotiation led by the Crown Prince, which does offer a means of peaceful transition to constitutional monarchy.

    Confronting Gadhafi Is Not Enough Tony Blair 2011

  • ROBERTSON: For all her fears, she insists she does see hope, including a national dialogue about women sponsored by the Crown Prince.

    CNN Transcript Nov 7, 2004 2004

  • The people are united, and the Crown Prince has declared war on them.

    CNN Transcript Apr 25, 2004 2004

  • Q-- exact issues being discussed between President Clinton and the Crown Prince --

    Press Beifing By Mike Mccurry ITY National Archives 1998

  • MR. MCCURRY: The Vice President was going to have an opportunity with the Crown Prince to work through a range of other issue, including the issues I just mentioned that the President is going to raise.

    Press Beifing By Mike Mccurry ITY National Archives 1998

  • One of the things that was stated, actually, by the Crown Prince is they're not just talking about a treaty of peace, they're talking about a treaty of peace and a treaty of friendship and cooperation as well.

    Background Briefing On Israel Jordan Negotiations ITY National Archives 1994

  • Whatever the cause, it is quite certain that the Crown Prince and some of the Danish statesmen treated him with studied cordiality.

    Drake Nelson and Napoleon Runciman, Walter 1919

  • As a matter of fact, the Crown Prince had never heard of

    Long Live the King! Mary Roberts Rinehart 1917

  • The first formalities over, and the Crown Prince having shaken hands nine times, the spokesman stepped forward.

    Long Live the King! Mary Roberts Rinehart 1917


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